Bondage Tutorials On The Web
Self-Bondage Instruction
Pay Sites
- Arm Bend
- Bottom Up
- Cat's Cradle
- Double Cross
- Elbow Tie
- Frog Tie
- Garter Tie
- Hog-Tie
- Individual Arm Tie
- Jacobi Tie
- Knee Tie
- Lotus
- Mummy Wrap
- Neck Tie
- Overnight Tie
- Prisoner
- Queen's Spiral
- Reverse Jacobi
- Six Foot Tie
- Triangular Buddha
- Umbrella
- Victor's Pretzel
- Witches
- X-tie
- Yoke
- Zig Zag
- Ryo-tekubi Shibari (binding of both wrists)
- Kotobu Ryo-tekubi Shibari (binding both hands at the back of the head)
- Momo Shibari (tying up the buttocks)
- Ushiro Takate Kote Shibari (tying wrists behind back)
- Chokushin Fudo Ippon Shibari (immobilizing an upright subject)
- Isu-jyo Kohai Shibari (tying up back of subject perched upon a chair)
- Komon Sarashi Shibari (tying subject with anus exposed)
- Tsurinawa Shibari (mid-air suspension)
- Ushiro Takate Kote Shibari Turi (mid-air suspension with hands behind back)
- Kataashi Tsuri (one-legged suspension)
- Ryoashi Tsuri (two-legged suspension)
- Kami Shibari (suspension by subject's hair)
- Ushiro Gassho Shibari (backward prayer restraint)
- Tanuki Shibari (tying up a raccoon dog)
- Kaina Santen Shibari (three-point arm restraint)
- Ushirode Hisinawa (back-hand diamond knot)
- Hon Kikkou (tortoise shell)
- Sakasa Zuri Santen Shibari (inverted three-point restraint)
- Ushirode-kasanesibari (back-hand restraint with multiple layers of rope)
- Ebi-Shibari (shrimp tying)
- Kubi-nawa-Ushirode-Shibari (neck and back-hand restraint)
- Kubi-nawa-Ushirode-Shibari, "M"-shaped pattern (binding legs in an "M" shape)
- Ushirode-Kasane-Shibari (tying the hand in back with multiple strands of rope)
- Ushirode-Kasane-Shibari with Kyakutei-Grassho
- Gyoga-Shippo-Shibari (binding the knees)
- Arm Bondage
- Bottom-up Bondage
- Hon-Kikkou
- Rope Handcuffs
- Wrist Cinch
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